Chase Berger, News Editor

Join us as we welcome musician Yaffa St. Fleursoe to Hatter Network's Glass Wall Sessions, put on by WHAT Radio and hosted by Danny Barata.
Calista Headrick, Executive Editor - The Reporter
May 5, 2021
As colleges and universities have had to continuously adjust to remote circumstances amid the COVID-19 pandemic, learning management systems like Blackboard have...
Vivianne Skavlem, Writer - The Reporter
November 3, 2020
As of 4:23 pm, Nov 3, the Stetson community received an email from Lua Hancock, Stetson’s Vice President for Campus Life and Student Success, notifying the community of...
In a melting pot like Stetson's student body, tradition is everywhere. It gives us a slice of home to cling to while living somewhere unfamiliar,...
When one semester comes to a close, a new semester is just on the horizon. But that interlude of end of semester slump and winter break can make...
Gone are the days of cinematic romance, where you'd watch Al Pacino woo Diane Keaton with a hesitant smile and careful words or where you’d...
This winter, bloodlust is in the box office. With its broodingly dark color palette and haunting landscapes layered in Transylvanian frost, critics...
From the Gutenberg press to Google Docs, the publication process of Stetson University’s The Reporter, Florida’s oldest collegiate publication,...
Starting college opens new avenues to start exploring who you are and the person you want to become. This might be through exploring new career...
June 10, 2024
Michaela Hawthorne, Staff Writer
September 9, 2023
Cas Bradley, Spread Designer/Illustrator

About Us
Hatter Network is Stetson University’s student-run media collective. The three facets of the organization include The Reporter, Florida’s oldest collegiate publication, WHAT Radio, an internet radio station, and "Touchstone" Literary and Arts magazine, a yearly journal that publishes the best of student art and writing on campus. The Reporter is printed six times per year, including an orientation issue aimed at first-year students, WHAT Radio streams 24 hours a day, seven days a week at hatternetwork.com, and “Touchstone” is released annually in April. Additionally, every Thursday night, Touchstone hosts Uncouth Hour, an open mic night for Stetson students to unleash their creativity on stage.
A student team operates Hatter Network, and is assisted by a part-time adviser, Crystal Baroni.Other than Ms. Baroni, who is available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m., Austin Carroll Smith will be able to answer questions about advertising in or subscribing to The Reporter. Questions about back issues or copies of articles should be directed to the authors of those stories you wish to obtain or the duPont-Ball Library archivist.