Contact Us
Looking to contact Hatter Network for any inquiries or opportunities? Reach out to Editor in Chief, Ali Burgess ([email protected]).
For the Creative Team of designers and photographers, contact Creative Director, Michelle Marshall ([email protected]).
To contact Touchstone, check in with Executive Editor Sheridan Macon ([email protected]) or Associate Editor Mia Martinez ([email protected]).
To work with the Reporter, email Executive Editor Sara Ward ([email protected])
Interested in collaboration or having WHAT Radio help with an event? Email the Executive Station Manager Ariel Castillo ([email protected]) or Assistant Station Manager Aviv Maddron ([email protected]).
The WHAT Radio Station is located in the Carlton Union Building (CUB). It is on the second floor of the CUB, above the bookstore and across from the Student Lounge. The Station is marked by its large green LED bottle cap shaped sign to the left of the stairs. Only WHAT Radio staff members and select students have access to the station, as the door requires an ID scan-in. The Hatter Network office is located right next door to the WHAT Radio Station.
Mailing Address: Hatter Network, 421 N Woodland Blvd, DeLand FL 32723