SGA Highlights – 9/9

SGA Highlights. Written by Jenny Fang.

Ending Remarks for the 84th Senate

At the final meeting of the 84th Senate, the following members of SGA delivered remarks:

The following members all agreed that throughout the extension and amendments of their terms, SGA demonstrated perseverance, collaboration, resiliency, and dedication. Through finding solutions to obstacles and facing many uncertainties, the 84th Senate has many accomplishments under their names and has formed many friendships. Along with accomplishments regarding promotion and representation of the student body and student organizations and operations, the recurring theme among the 84th Senate was inclusivity. 

These accomplishments but are not limited to:


Senators For 2020-2021 Academic Year

  • 551 students voted during the Sept. 9 election. For comparison, 473 students voted during the Fall 2019 elections. 

At 7:59 p.m., Lischna Castor (‘22), Chair of Elections showed a screen with the new Senators for the 2020-2021 academic year. There were 35 senators elected.

The elected senators for the 2020-2021 academic year are:

Class of ‘21 Senators:

  • George Alderman
  • Robert Manalo
  • Clyde Tucker

Class of ‘22 Senators:

Class of ‘23 Senators:

Class of ‘24 Senators:

School of Business Administration Senators:

College of Arts and Sciences Senators:

School of Music Senator: Jacquelyn Tawil-Brown (‘22)

Senators At-Large:

Commuter Senators:

Student-Athlete Senator: Arye Beck (‘21)


The SGA Executive Board will be decided on some time after the Runoff Elections on Sept. 16. There will be more information at a later time.


SGA Elections: Runoff Edition

Due to the counting of votes and SGA bylaws, the top two Presidential tickets will have a Run-off election on Sept. 16 to declare a final presidential ticket. There is a runoff election because none of the three tickets received a majority—50% plus one vote—of the votes. Students that did not vote previously may vote during the run-off election.

These tickets are:

Before the Run-off election, on Sept.15, from 8:30 to 9:45 p.m. there will be a Town Hall and Debate.


Tracking COVID-19

Test results from the Stetson community are part of Deland’s and Volusia County’s test results.

Information from the COVID-19 Tracking webpage of the Safer Stetson website


As of Sept. 13, overall, from the total number of residential students who are actively positive, there is a 0.1% positivity rate for residential students.


As of Sept. 9, there was a cumulative total of 93 cases.

  • Cumulative cases from students: 90
  • Cumulative cases from employees: 3

Update: As of Sept. 13, there is a cumulative total of 95 cases.

  • Cumulative cases from students: 92
  • Cumulative cases from employees: 3


Current Active Cases on Campus

As of Sept. 9, there were three active cases from students on campus.

Update: As of Sept. 13, there are two active cases from students on campus.


Isolated On Campus

As of Sept. 9, 16 members of the Stetson Community were in isolation.

  • Students in isolation: 13
  •  Employees in isolation: 3

Update: As of Sept. 13, 20 members of the Stetson Community are in isolation.

  • Students in isolation: 13
  • Employees in isolation: 7


Stay updated with SGA for more information.