Dearest readers,
In this, my last issue as the Executive Editor and a Stetson student, I am filled with so many emotions. More than anything, I feel pride at what we have accomplished this year, and of all the hard work this team has done for the sake of serving our community. We’ve come so far as an organization, and I am truly honored to have been a part of the Reporter’s legacy.
This graduation themed issue serves as both a last hurrah for the seniors on our staff and as a helpful resource for graduating seniors and the incoming class of freshmen. We tried to honor the past and emphasize the excitement of a future full of possibilities–things that are sure to occupy the minds of many a Hatter over the next few months.
As for this organization? I leave it in the capable hands of Alis Cadena, your next Executive Editor, and the rest of the very capable executive staff at the Reporter. We can’t wait to see what y’all can accomplish once us old folks get out of your way.
That’s all from me, your friendly neighborhood cripple. Over and out.
Alexis Diamond – Managing Editor
Hello loves,
The end has arrived, and the time has come for me to take my necessary leave. Though my heart aches with the end of my career in The Reporter, I’m seized simultaneously with excitement at the prospect of a new future and a new staff with new visions. I’m proud of our accomplishments, as well as the numerous friends I was able to make by joining our prestigious staff. Steering to this issue, we’ve decided to grant you all with information, tips, and lessons we would’ve loved to gain as incoming freshmen. Though, if you aren’t a freshman, don’t fret, we have plenty of graduation-related information filling these pages for new seniors to peruse. In our own way, we’ve attempted to merge the past and the present for all to see with history galore as we explore The Reporter’s past, the history of struggle meals, and momentous events within the past 23 years. I hope these spark joy in each of you, as well as a willingness to pursue your final years with utmost determination.
Thank you all for reading once again, and remember, every end is indicative of a new beginning. Hope that whichever one it is for you, it’s fabulous. Signing off.
Jillian Semmel- Photo Editor
Cheers to my fellow non-graduates,
It’s been an amazing year. Though y’all are stuck with me one more year, I’m still feeling nostalgic about all the incredible moments this administration has had. This is a bittersweet issue for me as I’m both saying goodbye to many of my friends on staff, and hello to my final year at Stetson. I’m also saying hello to the new e-board of the Reporter though, which is super exciting in its own right.
Even though I’m not graduating right now, I can still identify with this issue’s theme. Things end, then begin again, and the cycle continues. This photo story came full circle as we ended this year the way we started it–with our amazing staff/friends all dolled up and desperately trying to follow my notes for a Reporter shoot. Though this feels like the end of an era, it’s not the end of us. The Reporter will live on long past us, and our stories will be just as bright. I know that all our graduating editors will have a joyful and successful next chapter, and for those of us sticking around, next year is going to be a great one.
Till next time!
Dear reader,
This letter is bittersweet for me. This is my last editor letter as an editor at Stetson, and while I am relieved to be nearly finished with college, I am going to miss my peers and all the important work that we do together. Without Hatter Network, I would not have found the beautiful people and best friends that I know today. I am so proud of all the effort and growth that The Reporter staff have gone through this year. The work they’ve produced has been incredible, and I hope they’re as proud of the outcome as I am of them.
To the upcoming editorial team, I am so excited to see the things you all do. It will be hard, and will require a lot of effort, but the feeling at the end of accomplishment and pride is so worth it. To all the faculty, staff, and students that continue to support us, you do not go unnoticed, and we could not do what we do without you. Thank you.
I am so grateful for Hatter Network and everything it has offered me. Thanks for picking up this issue, and happy reading!