Letter From The Editor


Carmen Cruz, Executive Editor

Hey Hatters! In this, our first edition of the spring semester, we focused on one central theme: self love. February marks the season of amore, but a far more underrated (but, arguably, even more essential) form of love is the love we afford ourselves. Here, we discuss everything from health and wellness, to movies that are so insane they’re hilarious, to how our community is using self advocacy to support each other, and much more.  


We talk a lot about these “turbulent, unprecedented times,” but not much about how real people are finding their way through them. Though the challenges this community faces are vast, together, we are overcoming. Good people still exist, and they can be found all around us. The Reporter is eternally dedicated to bringing you the news you need, but we also want to deliver a healthy dose of good vibes as well. So, cheers to the unsung heroes of Stetson! We hope that this break from your regularly scheduled campus rundown succeeds in shedding light on what we feel are the very best parts of our community. Happy reading! 


Alexis – Managing Editor


To my fellow Hatters, it’s high time our crew delivered a new, refreshing edition to our repertoire, so here for your reading pleasure is our first edition of the spring semester! February marks a topical switch from the ordinary to the romantic, but with a twist. With a mission to deliver great stories amidst the season of love, we’ve decided our aim would switch from the typical romance, to an edition wholly dedicated to the encouragement of self-love and self-advocacy. Our team has worked tirelessly to bring you all fresh stories about health and wellness at Stetson, how to treat yourself, and a list of ridiculous movies that will surely have you laughing. 


We here at the Reporter believe that the most lasting and important relationship a person can have is with themselves, and that it must be treated as such. Our team vouched for the opportunity to send a message to the Hatter community on the importance of self-love, which we hope each of you will take the time to read and consider. Here’s to our third edition of the school year and the promotion of self-care! Happy reading everyone!


Xanthippe- Editor in Chief


Hey everyone! With this issue’s theme being about self love, there is a lot to think about. What does self love look like for you? How do you fit self love into your day to day endeavors? If you’re not already doing it, when and how are you going to start? Self love is essential to taking care of yourself, and allows you the space to love and care for others! It is so often swept under the rug, and we really wanted to give it a chance to shine with this issue. 


When I think about love, for myself and for others, one of the first things that comes to mind is a quote by Ram Dass, “we are all just walking each other home.” While you’re walking each other home, don’t forget to walk yourself. Happy reading and don’t forget to take care of yourselves! 


Jill– Photo Editor


Hello lovely readers! I am so excited for you to read all about the importance of loving yourself and each other at Stetson and beyond. Within these pages, you’ll discover all sorts of ways to find exactly what self love means to you. For me, that means practicing creativity. My medium of choice, as you might be able to guess, is photography (and reading a good book, but that’s not what this is about haha). Naturally, as the Photo Editor of Hatter Network, I was tasked in this edition to capture the visual aspect of what self love truly means. Read on for an in-depth look into how I went about achieving this. I hope you see yourselves within the pages. Happy viewing!