Local COVID-19 Updates – 4/3
Volusia County’s Beaches Closed As of Friday
Thursday, April 2, 7:26 p.m.
The Daytona Beach News-Journal, Casmira Harrison
- On Thursday evening, to ensure social distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19, Volusia County Manager, George Recktenwald announced that all beaches in Volusia County will be closed for a month starting on Friday at 12:01 a.m.
Autonomous Vehicles Moving COVID-19 Tests In Florida
Friday, April 3, 12:43 p.m.
Forbes, Sebastian Blanco
- The Mayo Clinic in Florida is partnering with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Beep, and NAVYA.
- NAVYA “designs, manufactures and commercializes autonomous, driverless, and electric vehicles that combine robotic, digital and driving technologies”.
- Using the NAVYA autonomous shuttles, coronavirus test materials are being loaded into the vehicles and then sent from the clinic to a test site.
Volusia Beach Patrol Issues Nearly Seventy Verbal Warning During the First Day of Closure
Friday, April 3, 1:07 p.m
The Daytona Beach News-Journal, Casmira Harrison
- By noon of today, Friday, April 3, Volusia County Beach Safety has made 70 announcements over PA systems and verbal warnings that all beaches within Volusia County are closed.
- Repeat offenders could face a fine of up to $500 for violations.
Coronavirus in Florida: Sunshine State May Have Extra Time to Prepare Before ‘Spike’ hits
Friday, April 3, 1:38 p.m.
Florida Today, Jim Waymer
- “We still have to be very careful,” said Asal Mohamadi Johnson, Ph.D., assistant professor of Public Health.
- Johnson added, “This is not going to leave us, and it’s going to be with us a while. This may actually get a lot worse. We’re going to experience multiple waves.”
City of Miami Mayor Becomes Florida’s First COVID-19 Plasma Donor
Friday, April 3, 1:56 p.m.
Local 10, Amanda Batchelor
- Francis Suarez, City of Miami Mayor, is Florida’s first COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor.
- Suarez’s plasma donation through OneBlood will be used to help a patient in Florida that is critically ill.

Ruby Rosenthal is prone to few things: making jokes in inappropriate situations, checking out more books from the library that she can feasibly read, and...