Stetson COVID-19 Updates As of 5 p.m.

Refer to the previous 1 p.m. update for more information



  • If you have indicated by March 20th on the “What’s Your Plan” online form that you will be moving out, a refund/reimbursement will be available.
    • Any students returning for the Fall 2020 semester will receive a $400 credit or it will be used toward any outstanding balances.
    • Graduating students will receive a $400 refund or will be used toward any outstanding balances.
  • If your decision is made after March 23rd and your form is updated, refunds can be accommodated and taken into account.
  • Commuter students must also fill out the form.
  • More information to come later about Hatterbucks but they might be refunded or carried over.
  • Meal plans will be prorated. 



  • ASUN has suspended all competitions through the end of the spring term. 
  • The option to decide on whether to continue practice or student voluntary involvement in workouts/strength training has been given.
  • No students are required to stay (Athletes, ROTC, International Students, etc).



  • The Residential Living and Learning office will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. until March 23rd for express checkout.
  • At any point, you are allowed to change your mind about moving out.
    • You must simply indicate this change on the appropriate form.
  • In the event of room consolidation, great efforts will be made to keep roommates as close together as possible.
  • Pets
    • Pets and emotional support animals are allowed to stay if you are staying on campus.
    • Indicate on the online form that you have a pet.
    • If moved for accommodation reasons, pets will also be transitioned accordingly (for those with allergies, etc).
  • RAs, Residential staff, and Public Safety will operate with the same on-call process, rounds, etc. 
  • Housing selection
    • Phase 1 has been completed successfully.
    • Phase 2 and 3 will be postponed until April.



  • Meetings and events can still be held in person if preferred as long as it is limited to mostly the Stetson community.



  • For office hours, music lessons, etc,
    • A joint decision must be made between professors and students on comfort level of meeting in person.
    • Meeting in person is not restricted.
  • Classroom accommodations
    • Will still be held in place (extra assessment time, private testing location, etc)
  • If professors decide to hold class meetings virtually at a specific time, this time will be the same as the class meeting has been throughout the semester so far in order to avoid any overlap.
  • There are a small number of computers available for loan for those without access. Contact Lua Hancock for further information. 



  • Student employees can continue to work.
    • But it must be from campus. Cannot be paid if not working on campus.
  • Employment that has been affected and students may be unable to work can be moved to different offices/will be adjusted accordingly. 



  • Presser Hall, practice rooms, and labs for senior projects will still remain open and have some degree of access.
  • Any non-perishables can be donated to the Hatter Food Pantry.



  • Campus remains open.
    • This means that students, faculty, staff, and visitors are free to come and go as they please.
  • The Department of Health will indicate to us if campus must shut down but this has not happened yet.
    • Health and safety is working daily to stay updated on any changes.

Transcriptions and the other webinar sessions will be posted on the university website at a later time.



From: FL Department of Health 

Reported by: From ABC-25 WPBF News on Mar. 13 at 5:12 p.m. 

  •  A 71-year-old male has been tested for positive and will be isolated until cleared by the public health officials. 
    • This was a travel-related case associated with a Nile River Cruise/Tour in Egypt.