Congrats, you’ve made it to Stetson! But you might be a little confused as to what this “cultural credit” requirement is on your Degree Audit. Don’t worry! It’s not as scary as it seems.
Cultural credits are a graduation requirement depending on what degree you pursue, so make sure to check with your advisor. You can earn these by attending some of the many events offered around campus, including lectures, seminars, concerts, art shows and more. The goal of a cultural credit is to expand the lessons you learn outside of the classroom and transform the values learned at Stetson into real-life experiences. In order to graduate, you must get 24 cultural credits. While this may seem like a lot, it’s actually very simple.
Now, you may be wondering how to locate these cultural credit events. Your My Stetson homepage is filled with hidden gems, three of which are extremely helpful when it comes to getting your cultural credits. The Degree Audit keeps track of how many events you attend and will update to inform you on how many more events you need. If your Degree Audit does not contain this information, your My Stetson homepage also has a Cultural Credit Events tab where you can see exactly which events you attend and how many credits they provide. When looking for events to keep an eye out for, Engage is your best friend. Engage is Stetson’s platform for showcasing all of our campus’ clubs and events, giving you easy access to all your extracurricular pursuits. With events happening almost every day, you’re sure to find an event that interests you and offers some cultural credit! Make sure to add your Degree Audit and the Engage calendar to your favorites to ensure you can keep track of cultural credits earned and when to look out for more.
One of the fastest ways to earn cultural credits is by attending Hatter Network’s weekly open mic night, Uncouth Hour. Hosted by our campus’ literary magazine, Touchstone, and radio station, WHAT Radio, Uncouth Hour can be found every Thursday night from 9:30 to 10:30 above the CUB. This event allows students to show off a wide range of creative talents, like singing, poetry, and so much more. While participation is definitely encouraged, it is not required to earn cultural credit. Cheering on the performers — and enjoying the free snacks — can be just as fulfilling, so make sure to stop by! If your interests lean towards the more artsy side of campus, this may be the place for you.