To the new faces and familiar ones: Welcome to Stetson! This magazine is unique to any other you may see floating around campus later in the semester, and we hope that if you need a helping hand during the chaos of starting afresh on campus, these pages will provide some guidance, some encouragement, and a bit of fun. This is my first time writing a letter to you all, and it’s a privilege and an honor. As the director behind the fun layouts and visuals that tie the Reporter together, I’m so excited to share this magazine with you! In every issue we put out, I try to encapsulate parts of our culture as an organization, and as a community thriving on Stetson’s campus. Each of us brings something unique to the table in producing these magazines, and we’re bound by our shared appreciation for the beauty of art, the power of words, and the magic of human imagination.
That being said, this magazine is not just a one-way dialogue. It thrives on the synergy between us and you, lovely readers. Your feedback, insights, and enthusiasm shape future editions and ensure that our content remains as relevant and engaging as possible. Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community. Your presence enriches this magazine, and we are excited to bring you content every semester, hot off the press, from our tireless computers and sketchbooks, into your hands.
Gone Camping,
Hayden Collins