Florida COVID-19 Case Updates – 7/10
July 9
2:24 p.m.
Live recording from CBS 12 News Station
Gov. Ron DeSantis attended a press conference in Jacksonville to address the demographics of COVID-19 cases, statewide updates, and reminders pertaining to COVID-19.
- Gov. DeSantis is currently collaborating with Vice President Mike Pence to provide hospitals with an additional supply of Remdesivir, the effective therapeutic medication that is being used for treating patients with COVID-19.
- Gov. DeSantis has announced that he is assisting with support for long-term care facilities.
- There continues to be an increase in testing, hospitalizations, and cases.
- A large percentage of cases continue to be asymptomatic.
- Hospital staff and patients who are hospitalized are still required to be tested every two weeks.
- Antibody tests are now available at most mobile testing sites for the public.
- Gov. DeSantis is working with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) to establish a quicker turnaround time for results. Gov. DeSantis is establishing quicker turnout times for results in Dave County and Broward County first.
- It remains imperative, especially for younger age groups, to protect the most vulnerable—the elderly and those with medical conditions—by avoiding closed contact and large crowds.
- Gov. DeSantis also mentioned that if other places of large capacity, like Walmart and Home Depot, can reopen, the education system can reopen as well.
- Gov. DeSantis also pointed out that he is concerned about gaps in education, extracurriculars, and social life.
- Gov. DeSantis thinks that with the current data and recommended reopening plans, it is desirable and safe for school to reopen.
- There is a sufficient supply of ventilators and personal protective equipment (PPE) within hospitals.
July 10
2:45 p.m.
Information from the Daytona-Beach Journal, Nikki Ross
Total tests in Florida: 2,423,992
Total cases in Florida: 244,151
Record: there were 11,458 new cases reported from July 3 to July 4.
- Florida residents: 240,710
- Non-Florida residents: 3,441
Total hospitalizations in Florida: 17,602
Total deaths in Florida: 4,203
Record: there were 222 deaths from July 8 to July 9.
Of the total cases in Florida:
- 6,957 cases were announced in March.
- 27,921 cases were announced in April.
- 21,647 cases were announced in May.
- 102,005 cases were announced in June.
- So far, 84,854 cases have been announced in July.

I am a sophomore and a digital art major. I am a techie and I have hosted a show on What Radio, I love all things alternative and indie music.