Stetson COVID-19 Updates – 5/29
Academic Planning
A safe and feasible academic plan is being created.
- Tuition- “it’s complicated…” Dr. Noel Painter, but adjustments may be made and determined at a later date.
- Classes will be limited to have a maximum of 40 students.
- Interactive classes, such as classes in the School of Music, will be accommodated through virtual programming.
- There is a possibility for virtual classes being offered for students that cannot physically be on campus, like international students.
Fall 2020 Schedule Working Group
This group of faculty and staff representatives is chaired by Provost and Executive Vice President, Noel Painter, Ph.D. To determine the preferred schedule for Fall 2020, this group is addressing the Fall 2020 calendar and examining everything from the start date to the end date, including fall break and even Values Day and Commencement for scenarios that include residential and online education. There will be a preferred schedule by the end of June. Planning will also accommodate the hurricane season, which starts June 1 and ends Nov. 30.
- The 2020 Fall Recruitment for Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Panhellenic is still occurring but is being adjusted. More information on recruitment will be available at a later date.
Face-to-Face/Socially Distanced Education Working Group
The group is chaired by Dean of School of Business Administration, Neal Mero, and includes faculty representatives from each school and college, Information Technology (IT), facilities staff, a public health expert, and a faculty senate representative. Under the assumption that the university will be capable of opening residential halls during Fall 2020, this group will discuss the necessary protocol in order to ensure safety for students, staff, and faculty.
This group focuses on:
- Adjustments for having in-person classes in a safe way
- The flexibility and accommodation necessary for quarantined and high-risk individuals and international students who can’t travel
- Technology issues
Fall 2020 Special Policies Working Group
Because Fall 2020 will involve remote or online learning to a greater extent than our current policies address, the Special Policies Working group will consider revising policies in order to develop normal faculty processes and ensure the best student experience. The group will be chaired by Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, Elizabeth Skomp, Ph.D., and includes members of the Council of Undergraduate Associate or Assistant Deans, members of the University Council on Curriculum and Academic Planning (UCCAP), and a faculty senate representative. The group focuses on examining expectations for synchronous education in online classes and the pass/fail policy.
Special Summer Session
There will be special summer sessions and seminar experiences for first-year students to engage with Stetson faculty and experience the Stetson community.
- Starting June 18, Stetson is offering new students the opportunity to participate in one-unit classes in a variety of courses specifically for incoming students, including public speaking, psychology, health and wellness, digital arts, economics, history, math, or computer science.
- For this special session, faculty also are offering students a chance to get an early start on their First-Year Seminar (FSEM).
- During the session, the faculty also will be virtually offering short and concentrated virtual seminar experiences that will be either one, two, or three partial days. These seminars are free, non-credit, and not graded.
Budget Priorities Working Group
The COVID-19 Budget Priorities Working Group is preparing a report on budget priorities to President Libby and President-elect Roellke. These budgets will be based on scenarios and potential budget shortfalls. This group has reviewed operating budget reductions provided by each department and researched potential savings.
A more detailed set of recommendations is expected before Thursday, June 25, when there will be a Board of Trustees meeting.
Comments and questions on how the budget is being allocated can be sent to this email.
Safer Campus Task Force (SCTF)
The SCTF continues to work on creating a safe campus environment. In March, Stetson created the Infectious Disease Management Protocol in correspondence to potential COVID-19 exposure. This protocol was designed to ensure the health and safety of the Stetson community and that all students will receive the support they need, from dining services to academic assistance and financial relief, to assist community members in receiving the services they need, and to lessen the impact of COVID-19.
- Protocols for the Hollis center pool and gym are being considered.
If there are any additional questions, this group established an email to gather community comments and feedback.
Residential Living and Learning
Rooming assignments for Fall 2020, may be reassigned by the end of July in phases based on specific housing and accommodation requests and social distancing requirements. For Fall 2020, there will be restrictions on guests and visitors and limited interactions. For checking in, there may be appointment times and a drive-thru to limit exposure. Residency requirements are being reviewed right now. There are forms that can be filled out for recommendations for rooming preference and requests for accommodations. If you have a rooming preference or need accommodations these forms are found in Housing Central.
For questions regarding Residential Living and Learning, please contact Assistant Vice President for Campus Life and Student Success and Executive Director of Residential Living and Learning, Larry Correll-Hughes, PhD.
Stay updated with Stetson’s COVD-19 website and check your Stetson emails for updated information.

I am a sophomore and a digital art major. I am a techie and I have hosted a show on What Radio, I love all things alternative and indie music.