Local COVID-19 Case Updates – 5/12
May 11
1:20 p.m.
Information from Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Facebook Page
- A press conference was held at Gulf Coast Medical Center with Lee Health to discuss the impact of Phase 1 within 164 counties, the percentage of positive cases, the supply necessary for hospitals and facilities, the safety of hospitals and elective surgery, testing and the new antigen testing method, new statewide protocols, and safety procedures.
2 p.m.
Information from Volusia County Emergency Management
- A press conference was held at the Emergency Operation Center to discuss Volusia County’s emergency precautions, safety procedures, response to COVID-19 in regards of details on antibody testing for healthcare providers, individuals exposed to COVID-19, and surveillance, and new criteria for testing.
5:03 p.m.
Information from Gov.Ron DeSantis’s Facebook Page
- 206 COVID-19 patients are in the ICU
- 105 COVID-19 patients are on ventilators
- From Sunday, May 10, there were 187 new cases from counties following Phase One regulations.
- Over the past two weeks, the percentage of positive cases has decreased from 4.2% to 1.43%.
May 12
11 a.m.
Information from Volusia County Emergency management
- Starting May 13, Florida will be offering state-supported drive-through testing at University High School from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m for free.
- Appointments do not have to be made for testing.
3:29 p.m.
Information from Daytona Beach News-Journal, Frank Fernandez
Reported from the Florida Department of Health
Florida COVID-19 cases
- Total tested: 580,316
- Total cases: 41,923
- Florida residents: 40,084
- Non-Florida Residents: 1,119
- Total Hospitalizations: 7,418
- Total Deaths: 1,779
Volusia County COVID-19 Cases
- Total cases: 557
- Female: 225
- Male: 320
4 p.m.
Information from WFTV 9 News Station
- Universal Orlando’s CityWalk is reopening on Thursday, May 14, with limited venues, services, and operations. Social distancing guidelines and restrictions will be maintained.

I am a sophomore and a digital art major. I am a techie and I have hosted a show on What Radio, I love all things alternative and indie music.