Stetson COVID-19 Updates – 4/16
Service updates and reminders
- Dining Hours: Beginning on Monday, April 20, the Coffee Shop will be open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m, and the Commons will be open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m to 7 p.m.
- Student Counseling Services is providing teletherapy appointments via phone and video.
Residential Living & Learning (RLL) Student Update Form
- RLL has provided a form to collect feedback on how their office is handling pandemic-related issues. Complete this form for a chance to win your choice of a digital gift card from DoorDash, GrubHub, Deland Delivery, Disney Plus, or Netflix.
Virtual Cultural Credit Events from the Library
Need cultural credits? There are now opportunities to get them virtually! Two cultural credit presentations are now available to students courtesy of the library. To receive cultural credit for these presentations, you’ll watch a video and take a quiz, which you have to pass with at least 70% to receive cultural credit for the presentation. All undergraduates are already enrolled in the library’s Blackboard Course.
- The John B. Stetson Family Legacy is a presentation focused on the early years of Stetson University and the influence and legacies of John B. Stetson’s family.
- An Idea Likely Too Big: Andrew Carnegie’s Role in Stetson University’s First Free-Standing Library is a presentation that focuses on Stetson President Lincoln Hulley’s efforts to get funding from industrialist Andrew Carnegie for Stetson’s first library building, which is today known as Sampson Hall.
More virtual classes are slated to be added in the future. For any questions about these cultural credits, please contact Susan Ryan.
Virtual Seminars and Events
- Wellness & Well-being in the face of COVID-19: Adjusting to sudden and continuous change. Friday, April 17, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m, Office of Faculty Engagement The Office of Faculty Engagement decided to host a webinar series on the impact of COVID-19, through Blackboard Collaborate. This week’s webinar explores the “physical and mental wellness as we navigate physical distancing and working in remote environments.”
- Virtual Culture Hour: Italy and Austria Friday, April 17, from 3 p.m to 4 p.m, Stetson International students & WORLD Ambassadors Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are able to access this event on Blackboard Collaborate. The hour-long event includes trivia, learning the language, and cooking from Italy and Austria. For any questions contact WORLD Marketing Coordinator, Morgan Egan.
Stay updated with Stetson’s COVID-19 Website and check your Stetson email for the most updated information.

I am a sophomore and a digital art major. I am a techie and I have hosted a show on What Radio, I love all things alternative and indie music.