Stetson COVID-19 Updates As of 1 p.m.
- The Hollis Center, residence halls, Health Services, registrar, and the career center are ALL OPEN WITH REGULAR HOURS.
- Depending on how many students stay on campus, there may be adjustments to these hours, but the administration is hoping not to limit hours too much.
- As of right now, students can still make in-person staff appointments.
- Students and the administration are working to still have cultural credit opportunities, and ways to keep having meetings when need be.
- ALL on-campus residential housing is OPEN
- Check the email for Larry Correll-Hughes for more updates.
- Students have a choice of whether or not to stay on campus
- If you decide to move out, KEEP IN MIND:
- Move all personal belongings
- Leave the space clean
- Turn in your key. → University Hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EVERY DAY (Monday – Sunday) to drop off your key.
- You may also turn in your keys with your R.A.
- If you decide to stay on campus, KEEP IN MIND:
- You MAY leave campus
- Others MAY come to visit you, as long as they have not been traveling internationally and/or exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. There will be a screening process and a form, not yet released.
- If you say you want to STAY but decide to GO, you MAY leave at a later date if necessary. Please communicate this with the Department of Housing and Residential Life.
- If you say you want to GO but decide to STAY, that is also fine. Again, please communicate this with the Department of Housing and Residential Life.
- By March 20, all students MUST fill out the online form to indicate their housing plans
- This form can be submitted MULTIPLE TIMES if students have multiple places as to where they might be living
- By March 20, all students MUST know if they are leaving or staying on campus
- Students may be MOVED to housing with fewer people and/or more separate bathrooms.
- If you are MOVED, this is NOT an “upgrade,” there will be NO CHANGE in your student account regarding your new living arrangement.
*Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 17 are planning days to address the student concerns listed below
- A plan for each academic department has been created for all courses to shift online.
- This plan will provide students and faculty a way to continue to teach even courses that require labs.
- Different professors will decide if students will still meet AT THE SAME TIME as their class is assigned to.
- ALL CLASSES will be ONLINE for the rest of the semester. No exceptions.
- As of right now, a plan has NOT been set in place yet for students who are receiving credit for internships this semester.
- As of right now, a plan has NOT been set in place yet for students who are renting textbooks this semester.
- As of right now, a plan has NOT been set in place yet for music students who are to be performing in their junior and senior recitals.
- As of right now, a plan has NOT been set in place yet for seniors who are conducting research for their senior projects, but it will be conducted virtually.
- As of right now, a plan has NOT been set in place yet for students who plan to study abroad AFTER THE SPRING SEMESTER.
- As of right now, a plan has NOT been set in place yet for tutoring services, BUT administration is working toward finding a consistent video chat service across the board.
- The administration has been made aware of potential server problems with many students logging in and out of online content for their classes. This problem will be investigated.
- Terminology
- From CDC, Quarantine: separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick
- Self- quarantine: If you are showing symptoms, the process of remaining a distance so that you are out of contact with others
- From over 25 private universities, Among those younger than 20, there has not been an incidence of test information.
- There are currently no high health level concerns on Stetson’s campus.
- Our COVID-19 response and preventative measures for cleaning remain the same and are guided by the Florida Department of Health and Center for Disease Control.
- Any member of the Stetson community who feels they may have come into direct contact with the virus causing COVID-19 or is experiencing flu-like symptoms (fever over 100.3, cough, shortness of breath) while at Stetson should alert Stetson Health Service ([email protected], 386-822-8150) or their healthcare provider for assistance.
- If you are concerned about someone else’s exposure, please report it – do not rely on them to do so. After business hours, please contact Public Safety (386-822-7300).
- Health and safety regulations are in place (public health)
- Most of the campus is functioning as a whole ae open and running
- Services like dining may be modified
- Having a smaller campus size means there are more compact spaces
- If the department of health suggests for the university to close, then we close.
- If moving and traveling become an issue, you should work with RLL.
- Emergency management plan
- An emergency management plan has been enacted.
- If you or someone you know has symptoms, screening can be consulted for everyone at no cost.
- Even if you are off-campus, you may receive consultation over the phone.
- The health situation will be monitored
- University Health Services is currently partnered with advent health for resources and technology
- Students may choose to stay in their residence hall and then leave based on health concerns.
- Housing would need to be contacted, for individualized needs to be worked out.
- If you are in contact with the community, think about what you might be bringing back.
- There is not a positive test result in our community, but communication is in place with the FL Department of Health
- Lynn Schoenberg and Lua Hancock are working with services
- For the health of yourself and others, always wash your hands
- On this note, mental health is super important for the well-being of students and peers.
- Not everyone with symptoms is going to be tested
- Tests will be done based on their symptoms and not everyone with symptoms of COVID-19 has COVID-19.
- The Volusia County Department of Health will make a decision based on who is going to be tested.
- Events still need to be approved.
- Cultural credits are still a requirement because they are a part of the university’s curriculum.
- Cultural credits will be adjusted for virtually.
- Senior showcase is currently on the calendar from 5:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m on April 14.
- The senior showcase will be reimplemented because we are going virtual.
- Meetings for events can be held virtually.
- A decision on Commencement will be made by the end of March.
- Athletics events possibly may be canceled, but there is not an official declaration.
- Rowing does not want competitions to occur
- Announcements about reimbursement will come at the END OF THE DAY. If you have an outstanding balance, that will be applied there. More updates will come as the day goes on.
- There will NOT be an adjustment in tuition because professors are still doing their job.
- With dining plans, there is a possibility that meal and hatter bucks will be rolled over for next year
- Most jobs will be kept because the university does not want financial situations to happen and the campus is not closed.
- There may be an increase of hours to accommodate the students that are planning on staying.
- The Bonner program works closely with the outside community, so they are working details out and will have an update later tomorrow.
- There is currently not a decision made for students employed throughout athletics.

Ruby Rosenthal is prone to few things: making jokes in inappropriate situations, checking out more books from the library that she can feasibly read, and...