Stetson overwhelmingly approves of the Obamas as they leave office

Jason Cruz, Editor-In-Chief

An overwhelming majority of Stetson respondents approve of President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama’s time in office, according to Hatter Network’s online poll. Almost the same amount of people said they will miss the Obamas, whose administration officially ends tomorrow at noon. While those who disapproved of the Obama administration often did so vociferously, they were in the clear minority of people polled.

Poll results show 45.6 percent of participants strongly approve of Pres. Obama’s handling of his office. They are joined by another 20.8 percent who approve. Slightly more people, 21.5 percent, strongly disapprove of the 44th President than merely approve. 12.1 percent of our respondents said they disapprove of Obama’s performance.

Michelle Obama’s popularity amongst respondents dwarfs her husband’s, with 63.8 percent strongly approving of her performance as first lady. Another 14.1 percent approve, while 12.1 percent disapprove and just 10.1 percent strongly disapprove.

Despite large differences in their respective approval ratings, Barack and Michelle Obama received similar “yes” responses when respondents were asked if they will miss the couple. The President carried 65.8 percent of the vote to the First Lady’s 67.1 percent. Considering president-elect Donald Trump’s current approval rating sits in the 30s or 40s depending on the poll, it is likely that some respondents were influenced by their knowledge of who will be replacing the Obamas.

When asked to choose the highlight of Obama’s presidency, 32 people chose the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare and currently under siege by Congressional Republicans eager to repeal the legislation under Trump. Obama’s signature legislation has been embattled since its passage in 2010 and 18 people listed it as the lowest point of his presidency.

Other moments popularly chosen as Obama’s highlight included his support of the establishment of marriage equality, the killing of Osama Bin Laden and his economic stewardship. His poise also drew support, with one student remarking “Couldn’t tell you, I’m not political and didn’t closely follow the news or what he did as president, but I can tell you he always appears to be a man of class and respect, which I think highlights his entire presidency.” Another told us “Even though I don’t personally agree with his policies/politics, I do believe he is one of the most honest presidents we have had, with no real scandals against his character.”

Many of Obama’s critics took to the highlight question with irony and excitement at the end of his time in office. Several people said there were no highlights during the past eight years, while a few said the last day of Obama’s presidency will be its highlight. One student said “dividing the nation” was the best job the president accomplished.

Asked to name the lowest point of the Obama presidency, responses often flipped between Obama’s supporters and his critics. The Affordable Care Act stood tall in critics eyes, while many who approve of Obama said there were no low points at all. Some respondents said “everything” about Obama’s administration were its lowest points, with others citing his initial victory and inauguration.

Overall the responses were varied among things such his foreign policy in general and the military’s handling of the Syrian civil war specifically, his inability to unite an increasingly polarized country, his failures to keep campaign promises such as closing the Guantanamo Bay prison camp or passing stricter gun laws, and his inability to work with intransigent Congresses.

Some of the criticism took on fiery language. One respondent claimed Obama was “encouraging hate amongst the American people and telling us it’s ok to blame everyone else except ourselves for our own mistakes” and another who said he spent his time “inciting violence and racial divide by publicly chastising police officers before all the facts were even collected.”

The 149 respondents were asked to rate their approval of Pres. Obama’s performance in a variety of areas. The areas were the economy, foreign wars, civil rights, healthcare, criminal justice issues, women’s rights, LGBTQ issues, diplomacy, immigration, and the environment. The results are shown in the graphs below.