SGA Highlights – 11/6


SGA Highlights. Written by: Jenny Fang.


  • Comedian (Dave Coulier)
    • Thursday, Nov. 7, 9 p.m. at the Edmunds Center 
  • Food Truck Round-Up 
    • Friday, Nov. 8, 5 p.m to 7 p.m. at the Rinker Fieldhouse 
  • Airwaves 
    • Nov. 8, 8 p.m. at the Edmunds Center 
  • Tailgate 
    • Nov. 9, 9 a.m at the Hatter Village 
  • Homecoming Football Game 
    • Nov. 9, 12 p.m. at the Spec Martin Municipal Stadium
    • The football team will be collecting canned food items.
  • Royalty Ceremony 
    • Nov. 9, Halftime during Homecoming Game at the Spec Martin Stadium 


Student Development and Campus Vibrancy (SDVC)

Vision Statement 

“SDVC works side by side to make Stetson a ‘second home’ environment where people go beyond the classroom participating in transformational experiences and initiating ideas that create a vibrant community where all l are welcome.” 

Mission Statement 

The department of SDVC empowers our students by inclusively: 

  • Transitioning our students and their families into Stetson’s value-based culture through shared experiences and information – creating authentic connections and new beginnings that will lead to a strong sense of belonging within the Hatter community. 
  • Connecting our students to communities, experiences, and educational opportunities that will expose and develop their strengths and passions, complement and integrate the academic and out of class discoveries and learning, and allow them to develop diverse programs, educational opportunities.
  • Developing a community of engaged minds through diverse programs educational opportunities, and social constructs that build confidence develops their unique voice and helps them envision a positive future. 


Commencement Survey 

  • The commencement survey will be open through the weekend until it is decided to be closed. 
  • For an update, so far 70 percent of the responses have been from seniors.


SGA Master Budget

The SGA master budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year, which includes all of the funding for SGA to operate was approved and voted and passed. The total amount allocated is $51,600. Thus far, $11,090 has been spent and there is $40,510 remaining. 


SGA Executive Board

Allocated Spent Remaining
Exec Projects $4,000 $0 $4,000
Exec Swag $600 $0 $600
Office Supplies and Improvements $1,500 $0 $1,500
SGA Town Halls $500 $0 $500
Forums $500 $0 $500
SGA Advertising and Marketing $1,000 $0 $1,000
Total $8,100 $0 $8,100


Senate Expenses 

Allocated Spent Remaining
Senate Swag $2,000 $0 $2,000
Senate Professional Development and Retreats $600 $0 $600
Presidential Dinner $1,000 $0 $1,000
Senate Banquet $3,000 $0 $3,000
Total $6,600 $0 $6,600


Senate Projects & Events

Allocated Spent Remaining
Welcome Back Bash $5,000 $5,000 $0
Taste of the World $5,020 $5,020 $0
Psycho-Educational Testing (PET) $5,000 $0 $5,000
New Bikes Racks Bill $1,000 $0 $1,000
CSA Hurricane Dorian Relief $800 $800 $0
Beer and Yoga $500 $0 $500
CUB Lockers $270 $270 $0
Stetson Idol $250 $0 $250
Total $17,840 $11,090 $6,750


SGA Finance Office 

Allocated Spent Remaining
SGA Finance Office Operations $250 $0 $250
SGA Finance Office Supplies $250 $0 $250
SGA Finance Hearings $500 $0 $500
Total $1,000 $0 $1,000


Senate Project Fund 

Allocated Spent Remaining
Senate Projects Fund $18,060 $0 $18,060
Total $18,060 $0 $18,060


Campus Life

  • Campus life is working on getting more parking 
  • Bike racks 
    • The location will be decided based on the results from the survey 


Effective Access to Student Education/ Florida Resident Access Grant (EASE/FRAG)

The EASE, formerly known as FRAG, is a grant provides tuition assistance for eligible Florida undergraduate students attending an eligible private, non-profit Florida college or university. This grant has helped a large percentage of students at Stetson. The state has cut funds for Florida students. A cut has been installed from the last state budget to the FRAG/ EASE. There was a banner signed to show support for the funding that the FRAG/ EASE was previously providing. This banner will be brought to Tallahassee.



  • Today- Friday , 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Templeton Fountain: Greenfeather Under the Stars
  • Friday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Palm Court: Multicultural Student Council (MSC) will be holding their “I Am Stetson” Campaign 
  • Monday, Nov. 11: Amnesty Tabling 
  • Saturday, Nov. 16: Open House
  • Nov. 23, 5 p.m to 7 p.m.: Beer and yoga 
    • SGA is approved to fund 400 beers for those of age during this event 
  • Stetson Idol will be held in December.